Saturday Links from Tipperary

It's almost time for audiobooks and quarter sheets! It's almost time for audiobooks and quarter sheets!

Today will be an early day of watching the live stream from Pau and then out in to the world to soak up every minute of available light. I’m going to pretend that it’s still the middle of the summer and not the time of year where I find myself inappropriately quoting Dylan Thomas as I rage against the dying of the light. As much as I love clipping, quarter sheets, blankets, late night ghost stories, moonlit Dressage courts and audiobooks, the gradual slide towards winter and the holidays is bearing down with undeniable force this year. I keep checking the times for sunrise and sunset with the same obsessive frequency that consumes me when I want to see if my entries were accepted. The weather in California is too beautiful to accept the reality of dark-by-five that I’ll be wailing about in just over a week’s time. 

North American Weekend Preview:

Waredaca Classic Three-Day and H.T. [Website] [Three Day Scores] [Horse Trials Scores]

Chattahoochee Hills H.T. [Website] [Entry Status][Scores]

Holly Hill Fall H.T. [Website] [Entry Status][Scores]

Heritage Park H.T. [Entry Status] [Times][Scores]

FEI Global Weekend Preview:

Pau (FRA) CCI4*, CIC2* WebsiteEntriesDressage TimesLive ScoresFree Live StreamEN’s CoverageUSEF Eventing High Performance Facebook@LesEtoilesdePau

Aldon (GBR) CCI/CIC1* [Entry Status]

We love our volunteers! Let’s face it, without the volunteers at each and every event, our sport would be nothing. So we want to hear your stories! Are you a long-time volunteer at your favorite event? Did you recently have a great experience with a volunteer? Do you just want to say thank you? Send us a quick story and we’ll post it in our new Volunteer Appreciation series! Email [email protected] with your tips.

Lady Gaga the polo pony in High Court libel battle

Lady Gaga (the person!) buys an Equestrian estate in Malibu

AQHA Congress signs 10 year deal to stay at Ohio Fairgrounds

Horse attacks have some believing a cougar is on the loose in North Carolina

For Delaware horse owner, first help, then criminal charges

Saturday Video: Ingrid Klimke discusses the Cross Country course at Pau

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