Hi EN! It’s been a whirlwind past 24 hours for the team as our server company, Linode, has been experiencing massive hacker attacks that have taken a number of their hosted websites offline. The attacks are now making headlines, and more details are available on Reddit and this status page from Linode.
If you’re envisioning John typing madly on his laptop while the chinchillas scurry around him, that’s a pretty accurate depiction of what EN team headquarters look like right now amidst the chaos. Linode is doing everything they can to get us back online, and we appreciate your patience during the downtime.
In other news, massive congratulations are in order for Clark Montgomery and Loughan Glen, owned by Jess Montgomery, Kathryn Kraft, and Holly and William Becker. Glen received more than 75,000 votes via social media to be crowned the 2015 EquiRatings Horse of the Year! Read more about Glen’s stellar 2015 season in this EN post.
Your Saturday Links:
Antello Z put down after Liverpool International injury
EHV-1 claims 4th horse at Pa. farm, 2 more reported ill
9 things you didn’t know about event rider Kitty King
Florida bugs and bites the northern horse may not be used to
Riding on the forehand a major contributor to arthritis
Classical dressage training tips: Loosen up those legs
China to clone horses at world’s largest cloning facility
Your Saturday Video:
Why do horses make such great therapists? Equine Assisted Coach Sara Sherman says it’s because “they know when you’re lying to yourself.” Check out the video below, and click here to read more.