Silva Martin – Busman’s Holiday

Boyd and Remington canter into provisional 6th place at The Fork in the CIC***


When I saw Silva here at the beginning of the week I naively thought, how nice for her to be able to spend a a weekend at The Fork supporting her husband at one of the crucial competitions in the Spring Calendar – behind every successful man and all that…! However, once I’d seen her coaching in all weathers (literally) from dusk to dawn, and talked to her about her schedule for the short time that she’s here (she can’t stay for the whole event unfortunately, commitments at home mean she’ll leave before saturday’s cross country) I realised that her busman’s holiday isn’t a holiday at all!  Silva kindly stopped to chat for a few minutes about what it’s like to coach her husband, which of his horses she thinks can potentially do the best test, but which one she’d prefer to see him ride in London, and she also shows off her spiffy new wheels – swank!

Many, Many thanks to Silva for her time, and looking forward to seeing her tooling around Lexington in her ladies’ horsebox when she comes to Rolex! Go Lorries and Go Eventing!

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