Snowy Wednesday’s News and Notes from Horse Quencher

Good morning EN! I am currently writing to you using a mobile hotspot connection as an ice storm has knocked out the cable, internet, and power- so as you can imagine Christmas was a bit of a bust this year.  The south got quite a bit of snow yesterday making for one of the first White Christmases in a long time- even Texas got some snow!  I hope your holiday went more smoothly than mine, and that those of you who do not celebrate Christmas enjoyed your day off. The news is a bit light today since most of the world was shut down, but here are the links I have for you:

Baby elephants in Zambia are keeping warm in style wearing donated horse blankets. According to Horse and Hound, the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation made a plea for donations earlier this year and received an overwhelming response. Apparently the favored style is one made by Horsewear Ireland that has a larger neck opening.  All blankets were donated to the Elephant Orphanage Project, which supports babies whose mothers were killed by ivory poachers (click for a photo). [Horse and Hound]

Paralympic rider Natasha Baker joined celerity chef Gordon Ramsay yesterday morning on his Christmas Cookalong Live.  She joined several other athletes at Ramsay’s home to participate in the show, during when Ramsay cooked an entire Christmas dinner live on air. [Horse and Hound]

World Horse Welfare has released a new Christmas video warning about the dire situation facing 6,000 horses across England and Wales.  The video highlight the problems that stem from abuse, poor management (like allowing “fly grazing”), and disease. The video also highlights the organization’s new Scottish facilities, which allows it to assist even more horses than before, as well as its international projects that assist horses around the world. Click to view the video (does show some cases of abuse and can be difficult to watch, but is also a great way to learn about the organization’s mission). [Horse and Hound]

Today on HN: Gentle Carousel Miniature Therapy Horses have traveled to Newtown, CT to help comfort the children who impacted by the December 14 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. An 8-year-old girl is also organizing a horse show to benefit the victims. [Horse Nation]

Best of Blogs: Tiana Coudray posted a short Christmas update

Thanks for reading EN, enjoy your Wednesday!

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