Eventing Nation’s Sport Horse Classifieds


The greatest strength of Eventing Nation is our wonderful community of readers; most eventers in the US and Canada visit Eventing Nation at least once a week, many of you once a day, and some once an hour.  A natural development has been the desire for an Event Horses for Sale section of EN where members of our community can find and market event horses.  An EN classifieds has been our most requested new idea over the past few months, and, as part of our ultimate desire to provide a fun and informative service to the eventing community, I present…
Sport Horse Nation is the classifieds extension of Eventing Nation–an EN colony if you will–and Sport Horse Nation is the place to buy and sell event horses in North America.  Event horses of ever size, shape, personality, and price are welcome.

Posting an classified for a horse is extremely simple:

1. Email the following to [email protected]:

-A title of less than 50 characters
-A description of less than 200 words
-A short story about the horse (optiona)
3 adjectives that describe the horse
-A picture of the horse in .jpg format
-The location of the horse
-The price of the horse or a price range in alignment with a, b, c, d, or e price categories in the SHN sidebar
-Suitable contact informaiton
-A link to a Youtube video (optional)

2. Mail a check for $15.00 payable to “Thier Media LLC” to 1605 Greenleaf Ln, Charlottesville, VA 22903

****OR just use the handy-dandy secure credit card payment system we have established through PayPal.

Of course, the mayhem and ridiculousness of Eventing Nation will continue on Sport Horse Nation, as you can already see with the three fake advertisements we have posted today.  The fake ads up now are only temporary and real advertisements will begin being posted in the next few days.  At $15 dollars per classified, I hope that literally almost every event horse for sale in the US and Canada will be posted on Sport Horse Nation.  We will also be posting funny fake ads and articles about buying and selling horses from time to time, and I expect Sport Horse Nation to be an entertaining destination for all eventers, especially if you want to keep an eye on what’s for sale out there.
We built Sport Horse Nation for our Eventing Nation community, so please let us know if you have any questions or comments in the discussion section of this post.  Also, please notice the SHN box in our Eventing Nation sidebar that will show the most recent horses for sale on Sport Horse Nation.  I’m definitely nervous, since this is only the second website that I have launched, but I’m also extremely excited and proud that we are providing a great service to the eventing community.
I should also mention that we are working hard on EN swag.  We have a fantastic team of wonderful people helping us to design everything and get bumper stickers, hats, and t-shirts printed, so stay tuned for more info on that soon.  Now, more than ever, go eventing.
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