Spring Views Presented by World Equestrian Brands

If you happen to be out for a hack, are riding in some obscure place, or just take some cool photos aboard your mount, send them to [email protected] including a quick blurb about this photo’s story and write “The View” as the title. Today’s views welcome the spring season where hobby eventers (like myself) can FINALLY relax and enjoy a long ride after work instead of racing against the darkness. Yay for daylight savings! 

From Leah Deffenbaugh:


I thought I would share a view from the California Coast! This is a photo from out on a hack on Riley, my 6 year old Appy/TB cross. I snapped this photo as I rode through the hay fields at sunset in Half Moon Bay, CA. This photo illustrates why “Spring Forward” is my favorite holiday! It means I have time to get out for a hack after work, before the sun dips below the pacific. Yay for spring, and no longer being stuck in the ring!


From Diane Zrimsek:

Hi EN,

I took this picture during a hack at St. Mary’s River Park in Maryland. It was a beautiful evening, and with daylight saving time I can bolt out of work and make it around the 7.5 mile trail before dark.


Diane and Lincoln

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