9/11 Sunday Links

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Good Morning Eventing Nation! Well it just can’t go without saying that today marks the 10th anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks. The ripple effect of the devastation caused by the attacks was so great that even those of us least impacted, still felt (and still feel!) the impact a great deal. I’m sure we all remember exactly what we were doing on that day, ten years ago, when we were first informed of the devastating news; I know I can. I remember, like it was yesterday, being in my grade school classroom when the principal knocked on the door and motioned the teacher into the hall, to inform her of the news privately first. When our teacher came back in the room, I knew something was terribly wrong just by the expression on her face. In the split seconds before she spoke, I was running through all the terrible possibilities of the bad news that a grade school mind could muster: one of my parents had gotten in a car accident on their way back from dropping me off at school, or my cat had died, but I never could have guessed the news she was about share. Where were you and what were you doing when you first heard the news of September 11th? 

If you’ve been reading all of the many posts this weekend by Dumb and Dumber (that was a little mean, only kidding) John and John, you’re probably caught up on the happenings at both the AEC’s and Blenheim. It’s worth repeating that our North American contingent really stepped up to the plate yesterday at Blenheim, and put in performances that put them right up with the best of them– Tiana’s in fourth, Phillip’s in eleventh, Clark’s in twelfth, and Will and Pawlow look to have made an excellent comeback and currently lie in fourteenth. The Blenheim scores can be viewed here. USA has the potential to finish multiple riders in the top ten this weekend, let’s hope they do what we know they can and finish the weekend strong. 

The American Eventing Championships: Live ScoresHomeUSEA
Copper Meadows HT: Live Scores
Now here are a few quick links to get your Sunday off to a good start: 
That’s all for now, Eventing Nation. Let’s all try to fit a few minutes into our busy days to reflect on the anniversary of September 11th, and pay tribute to all those that lost their lives because of it. And good luck to the Blenheim competitors, and all those show jumping at the AEC’s today. 
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