Many congratulations to Canadian Olympian Mike Winter on his receipt of the Jordan McDonald Memorial Cup at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair & Horse Show in Toronto last week. This trophy, given in honor of Jordan, who passed away in a competition accident in 2014, honors the recipient for their exceptional contribution to Canadian eventing.
U.S. Weekend Preview
Virginia Horse Center Eventing Fall H.T & International (VA): [Website] [Entries/Ride Times] [Scoring] [Volunteer]
River Glen Fall H.T. (TN): [Website] [Entries/Ride Times/Scoring]
Horse Trials at Majestic Oaks (FL): [Website] [Entries/Ride Times] [Scoring] [Volunteer]
Links & Reading
Identifying Fatigue in Horses During Cross-Country
Aharoni’s Notorious is Carrying on His Five-Star Brother’s Legacy ‘in a Golden Jacket’
Alfalfa or Grass Hay: Which Is Better for Winter Warmth?
Video Break
Get some cross country tip from Sharon White as she walks with her students at VHC Eventing this weekend: