I love living in the digital age. There is nothing better than having information available at your fingertips whether it’s scores from an event or race results. Last night, my husband and I went out to the track with some friends to watch the harness races. It started to sprinkle a little bit and a cold wind was blowing. One of the less outdoorsy persons in our band of ne’er do-wells complained of the chill and another complained of hunger. We left after just a couple of races and hit dinner instead. I was initially reluctant to go because I’d put in a Pick-4, but thanks to Ye Olde Internet I was able to check the results. Sadly, I didn’t hit the Pick-4, but the sting of missing on it was significantly lessened after having not stood in the cold and drizzle. Today I’ll inevitably spend most of the morning checking results for Fresno County Horse Park where much of Team DF is part taking in some early season action.
Events This Weekend:
Rocking Horse Winter II [Website] [Ride Times] [Live Scores]
Paradise Farm [Website] [Entry Status] [Live Scores]
Fresno County Horse Park HT [Website] [Ride Times] [Live Scores]
Aiken Gala Update:
The Aiken Gala has been rescheduled for THIS Wednesday, February 19 from 6-9 p.m. at the Willcox in downtown Aiken! Attire is casual cocktail. Please come out and support our team! The Willcox address is 100 Colleton Ave SW, Aiken. Email us if you have any questions or if you haven’t already RSVP’d: [email protected].
Sunday Links:
Horse Rescued From Swimming Pool
Saddles For Young Riders Stolen from San Francisco Bay Area Stable
Rider Dies In Fall After Horse Spooked By Farm Machinery
Legislation Filed In Response To Connecticut Horse Bite Case
Ollie The Police Horse Retires
Laurel Park Races Cancelled Due To Snowstorm
Sunday Video: I’m always interested in watching the techniques of different body-workers. Here’s Jim Masterson talking about different techniques he uses to encourage relaxation.