It must be a happy morning for Buck Davidson after his win at the AECs! I must confess that Petite Flower is fast becoming my favorite one in Buck’s string. I’m really excited to see what she’ll do at Fair Hill. I’m also really excited to see the AECs continue today! The Novice and Beginner Novice riders will wrap things up with what should be just as much excitement as the upper levels.
#USEAAEC: [Website] [Live Scores] [Ride Times] [Schedule] [EN’s Coverage] [USEA’s Coverage] [@eventingnation] [EN’s Instagram]
North American Weekend Preview:
University of New Hampshire H.T. [Website] [Scores]
Surefire H.T. [Website] [Scores]
Flora Lea H.T. [Website] [Entry Status] [Scores]
Stable View H.T. [Website] [Scores]
Sundance Farm H.T. [Website] [Scores]
Jump Start H.T. [Website] [Scores]
Glen Oro Horse Trials [Scores]
Sunday Links:
Larry the Cable Guy gives $250k to horse group
First Virginia horse in 2014 tests positive for West Nile Virus
Horse is all about the bass in ultra cute viral video
Fort Ord equestrian center buildings gallop onto National Register
Baylor equestrian opens season with win
Wii U’s Hyrule Warriors adding Link’s Epona as Downloadable Content in October
Sunday Video: Your AEC Prelim Winners.