Well. That was cold.
I figured the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge might be fun with a little barn twist. The challenge, for those of us who don’t use Facebook or the Internet, is a movement sweeping through social media to help raise awareness and money for ALS. Participants have 24 hours to either pour a bucket of ice water over their heads or donate $100 to help fight ALS.
If you choose the ice water over your head, then you also nominate friends, who then have 24 hours to either dump ice water over their heads or donate $100, and so on. You can also choose to dump ice water over your head in addition to donating to the cause.
I nominated Jenni, Sally, Leslie, Amy, Susan, Jon Holling, Kyle Carter, Sinead, Buck and Emily Beshear. Also, my hypothermic self forgot to thank Natalie Hummel, Ashley Kehoe and Morgan Pollard for their help with the video. Lastly, thanks to my man Hutton for the nomination.
If you want to donate to a great cause, please visit the ALS Association Donation Page
Go dump ice water on yourself for a great cause.