The EEE outbreak and Richland Park

As nearly the entire short list and much of the Canadian and US eventing community descends on Michigan for the Richland Park CIC3* this weekend, officials are taking extra precautions to guard against the recent outbreak of Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE).  According to the AAEP website, EEE is a potentially fatal viral infection that is transmitted by mosquitoes to horses, humans, and birds, and it can be prevented with vaccinations. explains that some EEE cases typically crop up during mid-August, but that Michigan, Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, Virginia, and several other states have been battling a higher than usual number of cases this year.  

Richland Park is located just outside of Battle Creek michigan, and the local Channel 3 News is reporting that the area has 20 confirmed cases in horses, 50 suspected equine cases that are awaiting test results, and 3 confirmed human cases.  The good news is that the number of West Michigan EEE cases have declined since their peak in July.

The organizers of Richland seem to be doing a great job taking all possible measures to keep horses and people safe.  One vet that I spoke with who is sending horses to Richland said that there will be a vet at Richland specifically tasked with ensuring that all incoming horses have received the proper vaccinations and that organizers have sprayed the facility for mosquitoes.  The Channel 3 report says that there will also be precautionary signs posted around the event. 

Someone close to the team stressed to me that the EEE vaccine is a “very good vaccine,” and obviously everyone is paying close attention to the situation.   Having talked to several vets, I would be more than comfortable taking an EEE vaccinated horse to Richland this weekend, and I am leaving tomorrow to cover Richland for Eventing Nation so I’m obviously not worried about the disease in humans.  That, or I’m a crazy eventer with a death wish, but that’s clearly unlikely.  Moral of the story: there’s a problem in Western Michigan right now that we should keep an eye on, but assuming nothing crazy happens it shouldn’t affect the eventers at Richland beyond taking a few precautions.

The CIC3* and Advanced dressage starts at 8am Thursday.

Links: Richland Ride Times, Schedule

Go eventing in Michigan.

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