The Galloping Vet

I recently sat down with Dr. Chris Newton, a partner at Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital here in Lexington, and while I was waiting for him I was reading EN on my ‘phone, as you do! It was the day the news broke that the Hoys might apply for the US team coach position, so when Chris arrived, I was bursting to share the news, “Oh, yes, I knew that” he said, smiling, and then we had a fascinating discussion about his opinion on each candidate so far. I think Chris may know everything, and could certainly talk about almost any subject in an informed and engaging manner. Full of energy, friendly, polite and helpful, and yet somehow there’s a touch of a rebel in there too,  it’s no wonder they picked him to lead the veterinary way at WEG under Dr. Kent Allen – if anyone can organise an army, whilst also doing a hundred other things, it must be Dr. Newton.  He and two of the vets working at the WEG wrote a review for Rood and Riddle about the experience, and meanwhile,  Dr. Newton and I tried to figure out just how many vets and volunteers were on board at WEG last autumn in the Bluegrass….

Dr. Newton is an accomplished eventer himself and has a busy barn with shows and boarders, especially close to Rolex time, and last year’s WEG, when he hosted a couple of extra visitors – Jose Ortelli took over the guest house, and I believe Kyle Carter may also be a regular. Dr. Newton also has a beautiful and extremely long-suffering wife, nothing to do with him, but because she manages the extended day programme at the school that my children attend, and is equally as cheerful as her husband, no matter how many children, or even worse, parents she has to deal with at any given time!  I hope to bring you more from Dr. Newton soon, and I’m sure it won’t be long before we see him out on course again. Stop and say hello, and remember  – you might be getting the news before all of us! Thanks, Dr. Newton, and thank you for reading.

This article was originally published on and won ‘Best of the Blogs’ this morning.

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