The Kentucky Horse Park prepping for Rolex

What will be about the fourth fence

With just less than a fortnight until cross country day of the 2012 Rolex Kentucky Three Day Event, the official order of go has been posted, and work continues on the grounds almost around the clock.  I can’t resist walking around the course whenever I’m at the Park, which recently has been quite often, and I’m always surprised by how much it changes, even in 24 hours, at this time of year.

Just the day before – no mulch, no squirrel! The mulch crew were hard at work on Saturday, and I don’t think Course Builder Mick Costello or Commentator Nigel Casserley and his lovely wife Allie will stop now until it’s all over. Nigel and his team are also responsible for wiring the park for sound so their job is enormous, and well under way.

Where it all begins – the first fence.

The 2nd and 3rd fences, old friends, albeit in slightly different places!

The fences all look very different without flags, brush, or water.

The second water, in the infield, followed immediately by

The coffin, which last year was overflowing with water, even on the very morning of cross country! This year, the footing is super – even, with  a great cover, perhaps verging on the firm side, and  Mick Costello confirmed he’s irrigating as you read this to make sure it will be perfect.

Crossing the road and out into the back field

The double of corner, in the same place as last year but going in the opposite direction and moved slightly – four strides, with a very long long route.  Then up the hill to the farthest reaches of the course up by the polo fields, the Hollow

You gallop around and approach the log coming back down towards the Horse Park, down into the Hollow, and up over the seat. You can just barely see the alternative if you need it on the left.

The mandolin – built for 2010 WEG when it was jumped the other way round, making a welcome return to the 2012 Rolex course

The Sunken Road, one stride directly across the road “slanted” to the corner, or two strides on the right hand side with a “straighter” route across the road.

Reverse Frangible Pins on the Sunken Road Rails. The timber here is slighter than the usual timber so discs had to be inserted to make up the distance on the pins.

The Head of the Lake is substantially different this year – in over this, or the alternative

then out, and back in again

but before bouncing out over the angled step and rail there will be rainbow trout – direct route, or mallard, alternative in the water, to negotiate

There are also plenty of long gallops in between fences, and several massive, plain, ‘let-up’ fences on the course.


But there are still a few questions on the course after the Head of the Lake that need to be tackled on the way home. The Bank is still on the course crossing back into the infield

On to the bank

and down to the corner.

Heading for home, the last question in the infield, the angled Kentucky Horse Park Tables

These look so different without the brush. The narrow angled double of brushes, with a long route, has been jumped in both directions over the years, but comes near the end again this time.

The Last Fence! What a welcome sight. Of course nothing is set in stone at this point, this was just Leo and I walking around the park and taking some pictures, but it always fascinates me how different the course looks ‘undressed’ – no crowds, flags, flowers, and of course at this point no brush or water even. Also, it’s never more obvious than now just how hard everyone works to put on an event of this magnitude so a million Eventing Nation thanks in advance!  We can’t wait to join you and all the competitors soon. Don’t forget we’ll also be bringing you full coverage of  professional course walks to benefit Just World International with Boyd Martin, Buck Davidson, Doug Payne and Sharon White. Details of times coming this week. Thank you for reading, Roll on Rolex, and Go Eventing!

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