
Snapshot 2010-08-16 11-23-13.jpeg

My favorite thing about developing Eventing Nation is getting an email from a reader saying that we helped cheer them up after a tough day at work or a frustrating lesson at the barn.  It’s all about fun and community through horses.  With this in mind, I started working on a new website a few months ago.  The site went online last week and, after a few days of private testing, this very post on EN officially makes Hahahorses.com public:
Here’s how it works: each day on Hahahorses, we will post a new funny/interesting/weird photo somehow related to horses. The brilliant Hahahorses visitors (that’s you) laugh at the ridiculous photo, write captions for the photo, and vote for your favorite captions. When we post a new photo, the contest from the previous day ends and the caption with the most votes wins a prize.  Today’s prize is a $50 gift certificate to KBC horse supplies.  
By ‘somehow related to horses’ I mean sometimes very somehow related to horses

Hahahorses is designed as a community where horse lovers can laugh together. Like EN, the site is fundamentally designed to honor the horse–the revenue from Hahahorses will be donated to horse related charities and rehabilitation centers.
Whether it’s a new website, a project at work, or starting your first event with a new horse, we all know what it feels like to start something completely new.  There is a lot of anxiety and even fear about whether all your hard work and energy will lead to a successful result.  In this spirit, I ask you–yes I mean you–to spread the word about Hahahorses, whether via Facebook, email, Twitter, forum posts, word of mouth, smoke signals, or any combination of the above because the success of Hahahorses will depend on it.
Now, more than ever, go eventing.
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