I always make a point of feeding some extra goodies to my boys this time of year. Even though they don’t understand the holiday season, they always prick up their ears and get an extra sparkle in their eyes when the cookie bucket comes out. While I tend to overindulge in holiday goodies, try to not overfeed treats to the equines. After all, what’s a horse cookie. Or five. Ok … 10. But that’s all.
When horse cookies are fed in abundance, I tend to notice pushy attitudes rear their ugly heads. While extra treats can be enjoyable and provide nutrients to complement your horse’s diet, take caution against overindulging them, as too many treats can lead to your horse expecting (and demanding) them. Head over to Equimed to check out their article on how to make the best of holiday treats for your horse.
And then check out the other headlines of this week’s horse health news, presented by Absorbine:
Teeth in Strange Places: In what ways can teeth begin to emerge improperly in a horse’s mouth? What are some abnormalities that horse owners should keep an eye out for? Dental tissue emerging in an abnormal place can actually appear anywhere on a horse’s body — which can indicate a tumor. [The Horse]
Saddle-Related Equine Welfare: The second Saddle Research Trust (SRT) International Conference was held during November at Anglia Ruskin University, in Cambridge. Industry professionals — saddlers, vets, equine therapists, trainers and riders — gathered for presentations on the research and cutting edge technology behind saddle-related equine welfare. [The Horse]
Donkeys in Distress: A British study has helped to identify behaviors exhibited by a donkey in distress, and the findings will be used to help educate owners on what behaviors to be on the lookout for to know when they need help. The study hopes to improve the lives and working conditions of the more than 40 million donkeys in the world. [Horsetalk]
Vaccinating Your Horse: Why should you vaccinate your horse? How do vaccinations work? And what diseases should you be vaccinating against? Get the answers to those questions (and more) in this cool infographic on vaccinations from The Horse. [The Horse]
How Grains are Processed: Some grains can be fed whole, while others are processed for equine consumption. From the field to your bag of feed, there are a number of steps that need to happen in order to process grain so that it is ready to dump into your horse’s feed bin. Click to learn about some of the methods of processing. [The Horse]