Whenever I’m driving past pastures of horses, it’s always pretty peaceful to see them all standing around together, or running around and playing together, or napping together. But the majority of the time, they tend to be spending their time together because horses are herd animals through and through.
My own herd consists of three geldings, who are often seen hanging out with each other. When I turn them out in the morning, all three of often stand and eat from a single flake of hay. It’s one of those particularly adorable moments when they all can stand together and share nicely.
But when they are moody and my dominant horse with chase “the kids” away from a particular flake of hay, which is why I’m pretty careful in planning out feedings during turnout. While I give my guys a full bale of hay for the day, I make sure to spread out the flakes so that everyone has a chance to eat.
Feeding horses in a group can be a tricky endeavor, considering the combination of dominant and passive equine personalities. Not to mention that different horses in a group can be at different life stages, with varying workloads, requiring different nutrition. Check out this commentary article over at The Horse to pick up some tips on feeding in a group.
And then check out the other headlines from This Week in Horse Health News, Presented by Absorbine.
Holiday Decor Hazards: Decorating for the holiday season can be fun, and it can be even more so when the barn is included in the holiday spirit. While decorating is fun, it also is important to be mindful of your horse’s safety when you are decorating around their living quarters. [Equus Magazine]
Tack Choices can Affect a Horse’s Attitude and Performance: There are many, many varieties of tack available on the market today. It’s a good thing to have choices, because according to Jim Wofford, there is no “one size fits all” concept to apply to tack. Every horse is different, so their reactions to pieces of tack will likely vary. [Practical Horseman]
Selecting Safe Horse Fencing: There are a number of choices for fencing for your horse, but which is the right one for your farm? Check out this video, that features Alayne Blickle of Horses for Clean Water, as she discusses fencing and offers tips on how to select safe fencing for your horse. [The Horse]
20 Hidden Hazards of Horse Keeping: Maintaining a safe environment around horses is paramount. Check out this list of some inconspicuous dangers that may be lurking around the barnyard, and what you can do to address them. [Equus Magazine]