Thursday News and Notes from RevitaVet

Eventer Clark Montgomery passing the time until the spring events start

It is a great privilege to welcome RevitaVet as our newest sponsor here on Eventing Nation.  If there were three things I would look for in a technology to help my horse they would be: proven, non-invasive, and natural–RevitaVet is all three.  We’ll get into the science of it in future posts, but basically RevitaVet uses a variety of LEDs (light emitting diodes), infrared and visible of a specific wavelengths to increase circulation on a cellular level which helps with healing–and it’s perfectly legal at national and FEI events.  As with anything, science only goes so far, so I would suggest talking to some of the many riders who use RevitaVet regularly.  Tom, RevitaVet‘s owner, is a regular at three-days around North America and I’m amazed to see how many top riders flock to him looking for his system on Saturday nights and Sunday mornings.  One of my favorite things about RevitaVet is that the entire system is made right here in the USA.

For more information on the system, how it works, and evidence supporting the product, check out RevitaVet‘s website:  Now for some quick news and notes as we count down to Christmas:

–EventingSafety John, who I think both of us Johns have decided will be known on EN hereafter as ESJ has written a great article that overviews three key factors in improving eventing safety: training, design and construction, and frangible technology.   ESJ’s article also discusses the four main frangible technologies–ProLogs, frangible pins, reverse frangible pins and the MIM clips.  

–The USET has recapped some of the honors it gave riders throughout the year in this press release, including the Pinnacle Cup to Phillip for being the highest placed US rider at Rolex, the Markham Trophy to Tiana for being the highest placed YR at the Jersey CCI3* (which she won) and Olivia Loiacono for being the highest placed YR at Fair Hill, and the National 3* Eventing Championship to Hannah Burnett for winning Fair Hill.  Kinda makes me feel like river dancing. 

–We have announced the US and Canadian winter training lists, so why not the French?  Click here for the French training list, which, like the US training list, only names riders.  The French list has an impressive 25 riders named to the list.

–According to Horsetalk, FEI president Princess Haya is now patron for the International Federation of Gentlemen and Lady Riders [FEGENTRI], which I hope was meant to be an acronym.  FEGENTRI is, get this, an organization that promotes and organizes horse races for amateur riders.   So, you can now sleep comfortably at night knowing that somewhere someone is working hard to make sure that inexperienced and untrained riders are being put on 1,200 pound animals and asking them to run at full speed in a pack.  Compared to that, eventing seems downright reasonable.

In other racing news, Maryland horse racing is in crisis, but for now the Preakness has been saved at Pimlico

Eventing Nation will now begin a four week break while I go on vacation and attempt to jog across France wearing nothing but a pair of jeans.  That or we’ll be back in a few hours with more ridiculousness.   You’ll just have to check back later to see what happens.

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