Tiffany Smith kindly sent in her helmet cam from the Preliminary Rider-C division at Ocala Winter II Horse Trials, in which she piloted her Thoroughbred gelding Indigenous Gent to a third-place finish on 47.2.
They were one of just two combinations in the division to make the time on cross country and one of five to deliver a clear round. Tiffany also sent along some things to note about “Indy” as you watch the helmet cam:
- Can you tell Indy’s back leg slips into the ditch at the coffin? He’s pretty amazing to still get the one-stride and out over C.
- He’s so darn honest, especially at 12AB, 13AB and at the angled cottages. Love him!
- This was Indy’s first time ever doing a keyhole on a course and our first time making time at Prelim on cross country. Yay!
We love the enthusiasm! Congrats to Tiffany and Indy on a great ride. Go Eventing.
[Ocala Winter 2 HT Presented by Brian Cox Farm Team Final Scores]