Tuesday Afternoon at Rolex Kentucky

Who is Nat V-C so happy to see?  Answers in the comments section please!

Tentative times have now been posted on the Rolex website, but to make your life easier, you can also click on them here – you’re welcome!

I had the pleasure of finally meeting Holly Hudspeth in person today, after loving her blogs on EN for so long, although annoyingly I’d just missed her ride.  Last Monarch, though, according to Holly, is being surprisingly calm and taking everything in his stride and handling it all like a champ, long may that continue!

In the middle of the day I went  with Buck Davidson, Clark and Jess Montgomery and Michael Pollard, on a visit organised by PRO and the Rolex Kentucky Three Day Event to the Kentucky Children’s Hospital, one of the largest beneficiaries of all the charities of the Rolex event.

The riders chatted to several children, showed them the Pan Am gold medal, signed some posters and gave them Rolex pins.  The Kentucky Children’s Hospital is the highest level of pediatric care in Central and Eastern Kentucky, taking care of critically ill and injured patients.  Nick, above, is six years old and has never ridden; he has a dog though, and asked the riders to sign his poster  while Gage, meanwhile, below, 8 years old, had been riding recently, and told us he was much faster than his mother, and preferred his poster unmarked!

I’m not sure who got more out of it, the kids or the riders – it certainly put things in perspective for me, and talking to Buck later at the Horse Park he told me he’d found it very moving.  The kids might have looked a bit dubious at the time, but hopefully if they watch the event online, or on tv on sunday which their parents said they would, and recognise one of the riders from today, maybe that will brighten their spirits. The riders, and Jess, were fabulous. Granted, it’s the kids and their parents and the nurses who are the real heroes, troopers, grafters, and yes we just swooped in for an hour, but  to give them their due Jess, Clark, Buck and Michael were terrific. When we first waited in the hospital Buck looked slightly queasy and said hospitals always made him uncomfortable, especially this close to a big four star, but he rallied well and by the time we saw the kids he was asking them questions, joking with them, teasing the other riders, and they followed his lead.

Back at the Horse Park, life goes on. Belmont and Kate Hicks take a dressage lesson with Silva Martin.

Always stylish, Silva told me she only brought hand luggage and she was forced to choose between an extra pair of shoes for herself or Boyd’s tails, so she of course packed…shoes. Someone else is bringing Boyd’s tails!

Speaking of stylish, Jess Montgomery was doing a splendid job modelling her new Fashion label!

Look out, Barbour!

However, the beauty prize for today goes to Sea Lion. I caught up with him and his groom Don earlier this morning, and promised you my brief chat with him, and I’m glad to see that he’s even more beautiful on video. I can’t wait to see him go tomorrow.

You’ll be relieved to know that I did see Don and Sea Lion make it safely back to the barn a little while later – many thanks again to both of them for stopping to chat.

Jolie Wentworth’s Good Knight posing!

Kate Brown and Mojito at The Fork: I was pleased to be able to apprehend Kate while she was grazing Mojito, or Mango as he’s known, and get to know them a little better.

and here are the marks on his bum

To give you an idea of how big he is, that’s an 81′ rug he’s wearing that’s barely covering that bum! Kate said he’s often described as the most Irish non-Irish Sport Horse! I thought Argentinian horses were supposed to be nippy little polo pony types! Wishing them best of luck regardless, and many thanks for stopping to chat.  Another busy day tomorrow, with the cross country  course officially open for walking, the riders briefing, and of course the First Horse Inspection at 3pm.   Lots more on Eventing Nation from the Kentucky Horse Park to come  of course, thank you as always for visiting, and Go Eventing!

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