EN has enthusiastically championed the documentary Harry & Snowman ever since we heard their amazing story would be coming to the big screen, and we’re excited to announce the film is officially opening in select theaters on Sept. 30!
Harry deLeyer purchased Snowman, an Amish plow horse, for $80 off a truck bound for a slaughterhouse in 1956. Less than two years later, Harry and Snowman were stars of the show jumping circuit. In 1992, Snowman was inducted into the Show Jumping Hall of Fame and he was later the subject of Elizabeth Lett’s best-seller The Eighty-Dollar Champion.
The memory of Snowman lives on in the film but also through the Snowman Rescue Fund established by the documentary’s filmmaking team in support of the Omega Horse Rescue & Rehabilitation Center, a group that gives slaughter-bound horses another chance at a happy life.
Who’s excited to watch Harry & Snowman in theaters?
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