Before we get to the videos, don’t forget to send in your entries for the Ecogold photo contest with a grand prize of a full set of Ecogold XC boots. $250 in new XC boots for a photograph? Sounds like a good deal to me.
The World Equestrian Festival wraps up on Sunday, and the final results are being calculated as I type. The festival of equestrian elite hosts upwards of 350,000 spectators and hundreds of competitors. To think this celebration of the horse has grown from just local races between farmers. I encourage you to read the incredible history of the event here. Thanks to Pegasus44 for sending in the following two clips.
Emily Baldwin (GBR) and Drivetime are the overnight leaders in the Eventing competition. Of course, by the the time you’ve watched this video, we will know the final results…as of right now, 6:00am central time, Emily has not run cross-country, but you can see the results here.
Dirk Schrade (GER) and Gadget de la Cere sit in 13th after this showjumping round, and have completed cross-country this morning posting just 0.4 penalties.
I openly admit to having failed miserably at gymnastics in my childhood; even my dear mother will poke fun at my pathetic efforts on a cheese mat. Vaulting results.
Last year’s opening ceremonies…Interesting….is this part of the act or did that horse just run off?