Volunteer Spotlight: Krista Degitz

We first introduced Krista after her volunteer shift on Tuesday as she was helping prepare the horse park grounds for the big event.  Here’s another report on what Krista was up to on Wednesday.  Thanks for writing, Krista, and thank you for reading.


From Krista:


Well Wednesday was a VERY successful day: I met Boyd Martin.  I was back at the park working logistics, aka set up chairs, fencing, and go fetch stuff, and while eating lunch in the “Special People” tent, he walked in, and I’m pretty sure I blushed as I debated my next step.  I had already notice a few other “Special People”  that I know, Karen Winn, Jan Whitehouse, Shelley Ryan- all from my Pony Club connections, and then the riders, Doug and Holly Payne, Oliver Townsend, and I’m sure more but I couldn’t recognize everyone.  I made an attempt to discreetly take pictures of the riders, except Boyd  was on the other side of the tent so I had to formulate a plan.  Then it hit me, I had no pen, I had brought one with me just in case I ran into a certain someone was spotted.  So I checked with the lovely lady who was taking the lunch tickets, no luck, and then I saw Karen Winn walk by.  Aha!  I knew since she had an official job she would have a pen.  So I kindly asked for a pen, pulled out my Rolex pass, and approached my fellow cat lover.  Luckily the baby in the stroller next to him, helped me break the ice since I have a 2yr old at home.  He kindly greeted me, indulged me with a autograph, I don’t care if I can’t read it (I’ve been a nurse, and am familiar with  worse hand writing from MD’s), and a picture!  So phase one is complete.  Silvia was kind enough to share him for my moment for a picture, perhaps inside she was amused by my excitement and slight giggles over the encounter, but she smiled and I was on my way.  Now it is on to phase 2, see if I can kiss/hug a famous pony, though Nevile would be my number 1, Comet is on my list, and Arthur.  I can’t read/hear/see Arthur’s name without thinking of Monty Python’s Holy Grail when King Arthur is called on his quest for the grail.  It brings a smile to my face.  So perhaps Arthur will become the king of Rolex this year, who knows. 

On a side note, I did go and watch the jog.  It brings me back to my days when I competed in many rallies in the Midsouth and Heartland Regions of pony club and once at Nationals.  I always thought, though I don’t like them much, that if I ever made it to a big time competition when I have to do a jog I would totally rock some heels.  I would have to put in about as many hours of practice walking in them as riding, but it would be worth it.   I think one of my fashion faves, and I can only talk fashion because I watch Top Model, was Becky’s red coat; I’m not a fan of red, but I loved the punch of color against the bright light grays.  I loved Laine’s dress and I thought it was a nice complement to her mount’s color and the movement that it had as she jogged went right with Anthony.  A downside to riding for a living is the wonderful farmers tan, so my sugesstion is pants or a spray tan/tan in a bottle can make a difference.  Jonathan Paget ranks right up there with Boyd for me, though I do give him bonus points for use of purple.   Polka dots was also a trend with the ladies as well as Buck’s socks, though no Packer’s jersey.


I will check back in later as the event continues!  I’m so happy to be a volunteer and help out, it’s a great way to be a part of Rolex.


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