Watch Live Cross Country NOW from Puhinui in New Zealand

One of the fences on the Puhinui CCI3* course. Photo courtesy of Puhinui. One of the fences on the Puhinui CCI3* course. Photo courtesy of Puhinui.

Cross country is streaming live right now all the way on the other side of the world in New Zealand from the Puhinui International Three-Day Event! The one-star is running now, followed by the CCI2* and then the CCI3*, so you can pop a bowl of popcorn and watch the action all night here in North America.

It’s free to watch the live stream; all you have to do is register. Click here to start watching!

Good friend of EN Jane Thomspon is keeping us up to date on all things Puhinui on the event’s Facebook page. Keep scrolling for a preview of Richard Massey’s CCI3* cross country course. Go New Zealand Eventing!

[Puhinui International Three-Day Event]