Wednesday News and Notes from MD Barnmaster

Susan Beebee's Wolf checks out the scenery at the USEF High Performance Training Sessions

Good morning EN! The Aiken High Performance training sessions are under way this week at the beautiful Stable View Farm. According to the Eventing High Performance Team Facebook page, today’s schedule is as follows:

8:00 Jennie Brannigan/Cambalda
8:45     Phillip Dutton/Mighty Nice
9:30     Phillip Dutton/Fernhill Eagle
10:15    Allison Springer/Copycat Chloe
11:00    Erin Sylvester/No Boundaries
11:45    Doug Payne/Crown Talisman
12:30    Lunch
1:00     Boyd Martin/Trading Aces
1:45     Boyd Martin/Master Frisky
2:30     Emily Beshear/Here’s To You
3:15     Susan Beebee/Wolf
4:00 Holly Payne/Santino
5:00 Will Faudree/Andromaque

Make sure to check out the Facebook page for more information and photos- it is being updated every few hours (and it’s where I found the photo of the handsome Wolf above). [High Performance FB]

This weekend’s events:

Fresno Country Horse Park [Website] [Entry Status/Times]

Paradise Farm [Website] [Times]

Rocking Horse II [Website] [Times]

The USEA posted a short version of the USEF’s new rule changes that will go into effect on December 1 of this year. [USEA]

The Chronicle reports that the German Equestrian Federation has announced that Olympic gold medalist Isabell Werth’s mount El Santo NRW tested positive for cimetidine at the 2012 Rhineland Championships, held at Langenfeld in Germany from June 21-24, 2012. The German FN has declared it will not make a statement on the matter until the disciplinary board has reached a decision about the matter.  Cimetidine is used to treat stomach ulcers and Werth believes that El Santo accidentally ingested the substance on her farm after drinking from the same automatic waterer that another horse, who was purposefully given the medication, had used. In a statement, Werth said she was notified before the start of the competition at Langenfeld that El Santo would be drug tested, and that she voluntarily took the horse to the testing site when no official came to take a sample. “If I feared that the test would be positive, I would have loaded my horses on the truck and gone home,” she said. [COTH]’

The IOC has announced the 25 “core” sports that will be contested at the 2020 Olympics, and one again all three equestrian disciplines made the cut. The sporting world is up in arms that wrestling, the oldest Olympic sport, was unceremoniously dumped by the board. Wrestling will now have to compete with eight other sports for inclusion as an “alternative sport.” [Horsetalk]

Trying to compete at Young Riders? Make sure you declare your intention with your area by March 1. [USEA]

Ten human and equine legends have been nominated for acceptance into the Grand National Hall of Fame. Five will be chosen from the shortlist by a public vote-click to put in your two cents (warning: it asks if you are over 18 because a beer brewing company is sponsoring the vote). [Horsetalk] [Vote]

British Authorities raided two meat premises as the mislabeled meat scandal continues to spread across Europe. Over the past few weeks, “tens of millions” of consumer meat products have been pulled from supermarket shelves across Ireland, Britain, France, and Sweden after DNA tests revealed that many products labeled as beef actually contained varying quantities of horse meat. [Horsetalk]

The Newfoundland Pony Society will conduct a census of wild ponies to determine how many still exist in the Canadian wild and where they reside. The breed is listed as critically endangered and it is estimated that only 400 still exist in their natural habitat. Experts estimate that only 250 of these are still able to be bred. [Horsetalk]

This week’s Eventing Radio Show features Clark Montgomery, who talks about his big move across the pond and what it is really like to move to an entirely different country. [Eventing Radio]

Best of Blogs: Lauren Sprieser’s trip home by the numbers

Lauren Shannon has a new horse.

That’s all for today EN, thanks for reading!

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