Photo by Leslie Threlkeld.
What’s Happening is EN’s guide to lessons, clinics, schooling shows and other riding and educational opportunities during the summer. It’s free to post a listing. Just email the date, location, contact information and any other details to [email protected]. (Note: This is a list generated solely from submissions. If no one sends us the details of your event, it won’t be included.)
Location Quick Links: Area I | Area II | Area III | Area IV | Area V | Area VI | Area VII | Area VIII | Area IX | Canada
September 1: Huntington Farm September Schooling Trials
Huntington Farm Schooling Trials are a great opportunity to ride on USEA sanctioned and professionally designed courses, in a relaxed, laid back atmosphere! These events are meant to be educational and fun for horse and rider! No jump courses are timed. Elementary through Training level [Register on Blue Horse Entries]
September 1-2: Dressage Clinic with Jan Ebeling at Linden Woods Farm in Durham, NH
Private Dressage lessons with top dressage rider/trainer [Register on Event Clinics]
September 2: Labor Day Jump Derby at Exmoor Eventing in Nunda, NY
Fun “Eventers” Derby – a mix of Stadium and XC fences. Intro through Preliminary. [Register on Event Clinics]
September 15-16: Show Jumping Clinic with Jamie Maillet at Exmoor Eventing in Nunda, NY
Jamie has been producing horses and riders for 30+ years. His knowledge and teaching ability consistently produces riders from never having ridden to successfully competing in Young Rider classes and Grand Prixs. His ability to mold raw talent into success at the top of this sport is unmatched. Jamie has been at the highest level of the sport jumping in classes from Spruce Meadows to Palm Beach. Jamie also has a realistic understanding of showjumping the event horse. Day 1 will be a gymnastic / polework day. Day 2 more focused on course riding. All levels welcome. [Register on Event Clinics]
Erie Hunt and Saddle Club Mini Trials are a fun, educational way to enjoy every aspect of eventing. A great beginning for new riders or new horses, an excellent place to for every move up and a very coach friendly facility. Our courses are all USEA standard set in an approachable way over some terrain. Lower level jump courses are not timed, but upper levels (BN, N and T) are run as recognized divisions. New cross country course this year! Schooling jumper rounds and schooling cross country rounds are available on Saturday! [Register on Blue Horse Entries]
The first starter of the MDHT fall season offers levels from 18” to Preliminary. Intro, Elementary and Beginner Novice run on Saturday. Additional Beginner Novice, Novice, Training, Modified and Preliminary run on Sunday. The starter courses at Loch Moy Farm will be a progressive series with the first event being the easiest and the last event being the most difficult. Each starter will build from the previous one offering questions for those looking to prepare for recognized events while still offering options for those wanting a more starter feel. We encourage riders to use XC watches to time their rounds; however, because of the limited number of volunteers, we will not be timing the courses. These are great courses for those looking to move up a level or get ready for recognized events. For more information or to sign up, visit The Maryland Horse Trials.
Gain experience riding over terrain and over fences at cross country speeds from Elementary through Preliminary levels. This clinic is designed to help riders gain a feel of the appropriate cross country speed for their level of
competition and then to incorporate steeplechase style fences in order to develop the ability to safely navigate
jumps at that speed. [Register at Event Clinics]
September 8-9: LandSafe Clinic at Honey Brook Stables in Honey Brook, Pennsylvania
LandSafe is a two day clinic (four hours per day) which implements specific exercises to help develop the muscle memory to give participants the tools to reduce their rider risk in a fall scenario. Participants will spend time on the gym mats and simulator each day to practice a variety of fall scenarios. For more information about LandSafe please visit www.landsafeequestrian.com. If you are an current USEA Area 2 member signing up for this clinic you will receive a $50 rebate at the time of the clinic. A huge thank you to the USEA for making the rebates possible for their members through grants! To sign up please click here. Please contact Keli Warrington if you have any questions about clinics. [email protected] or 484-459-4974
September 21: Jump Chute Clinic with Martin Douzant in Adamstown, MD
This Clinic is intended to be an introduction for young horses to practice free-jumping in a jump chute. The setup will be similar to the chute that will be used in USEA Future Event Horse Championships. Free-jumping is a wonderful way to evaluate the potential of a young horse over fences. It is also an effective and positive way to introduce a young horse to jumping without the guidance or distraction of a rider. Not only is free jumping good for young horses, it is also beneficial for mature horses to keep them quick on their feet and to remind them how to take care of themselves when needed. Open to horses of all ages. [Register at Event Clinics]
George Morris returns to Beverly Equestrian September 28-30, 2018. Consistent with its core principals of preserving open land for equestrian pursuits and promoting the education of horse people and riders, Beverly is proud to bring clinicians who are each renowned in their respective fields to riders in the Piedmont area. The clinic will run Friday-Saturday-Sunday, high to low, and classes are limited to 8 riders. All lessons will be taught in Beverly’s 200X100 lighted indoor arena with state-of-the-art footing. There are no private sessions in this clinic. [Register at Event Clinics]
September 29: Pick Your Time/Pick Your Test Dressage Show and Jackpot Jumpers in Adamstown, MD
Pick your own times and ride any test you want in this low-pressure schooling show, then follow it up with jumper rounds for a customized Combined Test. Dressage is scored on the Danish System, where individual effort is rewarded over competitiveness. Fix-a-tests are also available. Jackpot Jumper rounds offer prize money and ribbons at each level. For more information and to sign up, visit Loch Moy Farm.
September 29-30: Frying Pan Park Farm in Herndon, Virginia
LandSafe is a two day clinic (four hours per day) which implements specific exercises to help develop the muscle memory to give participants the tools to reduce their rider risk in a fall scenario. Participants will spend time on the gym mats and simulator each day to practice a variety of fall scenarios. For more information about LandSafe please visit www.landsafeequestrian.com. If you are an current USEA Area 2 member signing up for this clinic you will receive a $50 rebate at the time of the clinic. A huge thank you to the USEA for making the rebates possible for their members through grants! To sign up please click here. Please contact Keli Warrington if you have any questions about clinics. [email protected] or 484-459-4974
September 30: Pace and Steeplechase Practice Clinic with Kelley Williams in Adamstown, MD
Gain experience riding over terrain and over fences at cross country speeds from Elementary through Preliminary
levels. This clinic is designed to help riders gain a feel of the appropriate cross country speed for their level of
competition and then to incorporate steeplechase style fences in order to develop the ability to safely navigate
jumps at that speed. [Register at Event Clinics]
September 30: Elysian Hills Starter Horse Trials
Flexible entry options allow you to select from the eventing disciplines of dressage, stadium jumping and cross country. Time permitting, horse trial competitors will be allowed to ride the cross country course and stadium a second time. We want you and your horse to have a positive learning experience. Our dressage is in a sand ring, stadium in a blue stone ring and cross country over rolling hills. Cross country includes two water jumps, ditches, walls and a large variety of natural cross country jumps. Elysian Hills offers introductory (18″), Elementary (2 ft), Beginner Novice, Novice and Training level as well as Preliminary combined tests. Competitors may enter horse trial (D S X), combined test (D S), jumping (S X) or dressage only (test of choice). [Register on Blue Horse Entries]
September 30: VHT Starter Horse Trials, Combined Test, and Dressage Schooling Show
A fantastic and fun horse trial, combined test, and dressage schooling show, held at a beautiful venue. Invite your friends to join you, and come measure your improvement for this year! Riders of all levels welcome. Classes and riding opportunities offered include horse trial, different combined test options, and USEA/USEF/FEI dressage tests. Multiple rides encouraged, and discounts available for immediate family members, Pony Club, and 4-H riders. [Register on Blue Horse Entries]
September 5: Stable View Schooling Hunter & Jumper Show
These shows are held the first Wednesday of every month! The show begins at 8:00 am for the summer months. Fences start at 2’3” and work up to 3’9” for the Jumpers, and the Hunter divisions run 2’ through 3’3” . These shows are a great opportunity to practice your stadium rounds! Class entry fees range from $30-$50 with up to $2,000 in prize money awarded. Please contact Stable View at (484) 356-3173 or [email protected] for more information. Enter online via www.stableviewfarm.com.
September 12: Stable View Schooling Dressage Show
This show is the perfect chance to practice both USDF and USEA tests! The show begins at noon unless entries warrant. Each test is $35. Please contact Stable View at (484) 356-3173 or [email protected] for more information. Enter online via www.stableviewfarm.com
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Check back soon!
September 15-16: Mackenna Shea Eventing Clinic at Copper Meadows in Ramona, CA
We are proud to bring you Mackenna Shea, CCI**** Event Rider from Temecula, CA. Mackenna offers this clinic to bring the partnership of the riders and horses forward, allowing to harmonize and excel to their goals. She has been competing at the four-star level since 2015, and has been named to the Under 25 High Performance List consistently since 2013. Mackenna is one of the most talented young competitors in the sport of eventing and the new up in coming trainer on the west coast. Dressage: 45 minute private lesson. Jumping: groups are limited to two riders at 45 minutes. Auditing is free. Groups will likely be Beginner Novice, Novice, Training, and Prelim/Intermediate. [Register on Event Clinics]
September 16: Rainbow Meadow Farm Event Derby & DX #4
A DX consists of 2 phases – the dressage phase and the jumping phase. When the DX’s are held at RMF, our courses spread over the entire cross country course and display a level appropriate balance between show jumping questions and cross country questions which build through out the course. If jumping is not for you, you have the option to just do dressage if you would like. The same goes with jumping. You can also choose to do 2 concurrent levels if you would like. The choices are endless so you can create the best experience for both you and your horse. In addition this year, we will be offering a STEEPCHASE/HUNTER PACE division. The division will be based on jumping clean, but also on your pacing and who is closest to the optimum time. With that said, for this round, there will be speed faults and time penalties, so you will need to practice your pacing. [Register on Blue Horse Entries]
August 25-26: Camargo Hunt Fieldhunter/Cross Country Clinic and Hunter Pace
Instructors will coach you and your horse over coops, logs, creeks, and trails located in Camargo Hunt’s beautiful, private Owen County hunt territory. Jumping groups will be divided based on horse and rider ability and experience. The clinic is approximately 2 ½ hours. All jumping riders should be prepared to jump 2’6”- 3’ (no first-time jumpers please!). Jumps will include coops, stone walls, logs, etc. There will also be a hilltop (non-jumping) group. The terrain will consist of rolling hills, wooded trails, creeks, ditches and gates. Come back and practice your skills at our hunter pace on Sunday! Reminder that trainers that bring 2+ paying riders are invited to ride for free! [Register on Blue Horse Entries]
September 9: Greater Dayton Fall Mini Trial and Combined Test
The Miami Valley Equestrian Association is hosting the Fall Mini Trial and Combined Test show, at Twin Towers Horse Park, on September 9th. This show is part of the Miami Valley Equestrain Association Mini Trial Series! We will have inviting courses that will be great for the green horse or rider, or for those looking to move-up a level. Bring all of your friends and join us for a fun, casual show experience. All entries ONLINE only. If you are new to Blue Horse Entries, first create an account. Then search for event and submit entry. If you need any assistance submitting online entry, email [email protected], or call 859-493-2125. Divisions offered: Mini Trial- Green as Grass, Starter, Beginner Novice, Novice, Training; Combined Test- Green as Grass, Starter, Beginner Novice, Novice, Training; Jr and Sr. Divisions offered only if there is a minimum of 6 entries otherwise classes will be combined. [Register on Blue Horse Entries]
September 15-16: Hackamore Farm Mini Trial
The Mini Trials is a low key competition that is a great introduction to Eventing for both horses and riders. They are a fun & educational way to enjoy every aspect of eventing. Late entries accepted ONLY if there is space available & done online through Blue Horse Entries. Please check with the secretary first. Show jumping schooling & ‘Fix a Round’ are available on Sat. Sept 15 from Intro to Novice. For more information and to register, click on the Sign Up Genius on the right side of this page. [Register on Blue Horse Entries]
September 29: Last Frontier Farm’s JUMP!
This annual show, hosted by Sharon White and her Last Frontier Farm, is always so much fun! All JUMP! courses are a combination of stadium-style and cross-country jumps designed to be ridden at appropriate division level speeds. The day will start with Elementary and move up to Preliminary in order to facilitate riding at multiple levels and allow the option to practice moving up. Riders are encouraged to enter multiple divisions, based on ability. A lead horse will be available! Sharon will be on hand throughout the day to provide course walks at the start of each division, and to discuss best practices for both cross-country and stadium jumping. Riders may choose to repeat any regular round on the same horse by entering for a Repeat Round of any division. You must ride a regular, first round first before riding a repeat round, and the repeat round must be on the same horse.Register on Blue Horse Entries []
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Check back soon!
Want to see your lesson, clinic or schooling show listed here? Email [email protected].