What’s hot and what’s not in the UK

lec, a regular EN contributor and UK resident has kindly sent in some thoughts on eventing trends in the UK.  I had no idea what a couple of these things were so I included some pictures and links.


From lec: A frivolous light-hearted look at the eventing fashions! 

Quantum Saddles – If you were watched Badminton and looked at James Robinson’s saddle and thought it looked a little odd that is because it’s a Quantum a saddle designed for the horse and rider. Top technology and the saddle looked at in a new modern way. Link: www.quantumsaddle.com

Neck straps – If it’s good enough for WFP at 4* it’s good enough for us!

Kan Body Protectors – Using motor bike technology they use special moulded foam which makes it more comfortable for the rider. The foam is a special smart foam which hardens on impact and unlike other body protectors which only have a shelf life of 5 years this foam does not deteriorate or need replacing after a fall. Link: www.kanteq.com

Brown Riding Boots – These are making a come back at Prelim and below. They look super smart with tweed and are the discerning riders choice of boot on a young or novice horse.

TBs – Showing that you do not need some fancy foreign blood when it comes to clearing up the top events! Inonothing, Miners Frolic and Cool Mountain show that top TB blood is still the way forwards in eventing. 


Open Fronted boots – Seen more and more on the cross country. Cheap air cooling or encouraging the horse to respect fences more I am not sure but many pros seem to be using them more on the cross country at all levels.

Websites – It seems that every eventer even if you are falling off at the first fence of a beginner novice is no-one without a website. A good way to attract sponsorship, gain more rides or just show off to your friends a website or blog is a must have in these modern times. 


Devoucoux  5 Point Breastplates – Last years must have item to have has slipped down the rankings. So many copies around and some riders have discovered that actually one size does not fit all. The final death knell was sounded as they are now everywhere at pony club and unaffiliated. Pretentious Moi?

French Blinkers– Last years must have item for eventers is sadly relegated due to being banned by the FEI. The FEI has declared that anything which effects the horse’s vision cannot be used but *cough* its perfectly fine to wear a sheepskin noseband because of course that does not effect a horses vision! Good old FEI clear as mud in its decisions.

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