Your turn: how was your event this weekend?

It’s becoming a Monday tradition to share about your weekend on Eventing Nation.  I spent all weekend at about Bromont, but there were a lot of other events around the world. Take a relaxing moment to tell us about the event you went to or just about a fun time you had with your horse.

Please tell us how your eventing went this weekend
Perhaps you went to Seneca in Maryland…

My first thought: Karen’s new ride, Quintus 54, has some serious hops
Or perhaps you were at the Melbourne International Three-Day in Australia…

Camilla, an EN reader, was kind enough to send us this description of the event: Melbourne is Australia’s longest running 3DE (more than 50 years, I think) and is held on the grounds of a historic house at Werribee. This makes for some lovely Badminton style photos as riders jump through the epic rose garden. There is an open range zoo next door, and the cross country also runs through what is quaintly termed the “camel paddock” which some horses seem to take aoccasional exception to. It’s better with the short formal, though, as in the old days, phases A and C apparently ran up close to rhino enclosures and paddocks full other such horse-friendly beasts.  Of note too is the fact that Melbourne is probably the final “test” for both Australian and New Zealand home-based riders pre-WEG. Four Kiwis travelled to Melbourne to vie for selection

Sonja Johnson (AUS) won the CCI3* on Ringwould Jaguar, finishing on her dressage score of 45.0.  Sonja, who won team silver in Beijing, was the only rider to make the time on XC, and she did it with her other horse, Parkiarrup Illicit Liason, as well.  Stuart Tinney (AUS) finished with two horses in the top four.  Link: full Melbourne results

Colorado Horse Park CCI*, CCI** and HTScores

Coppers Meadows HT (CA)Scores

Aspen Farms HT (WA)Scores

Seneca Valley Pony Club HT (MD)Homepage

Valinor Farm HT (MA)Scores
Spring Run (KY)Event Website
Derbyshire (MI)Homepage
Queeny Park HT (MO)Scores
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