7 Ways to Pass the Time While Waiting for the U.S. WEG Squad Announcement

Ireland and Great Britain have now announced their WEG squads, and Team USA could be named at any moment. Are you constantly refreshing EN in the hopes that the U.S. WEG squad announcement magically appears? Here are seven ways to pass the time while you anxiously await the news.

You could go bowling …

Cat Bowling

or play frisbee.

Pp5JwBypTVCOyStqGuhr_Dog Frisbee Fail

How about yoga?

Dog is Better at Yoga

Or getting in a good stretch?

Kid Stretch Kick

Maybe jogging up and down the stairs a few times will help burn off some nervous energy.

Dog Climbs Stairs Like a Boss

Or you could always run a few circles around your living room.

Im a Cupcake

If all else fails, grab a snack.

Z3F83cC7Tp6KZiPJDk6C_Dog Hates Lettuce

For the sake of our blood pressure and yours, we hope the squad is named soon. In the meantime, take the wheel, Jesus.

Jesus Take the Wheel

Go Eventing.

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