An EN Surprise — Coming Soon

Sometime between now and the end of time, most likely later today, we will make a very special announcement here on Eventing Nation.  Two and a half years ago I started on this crazy journey known as Eventing Nation with nothing more than a stalled riding career, a lot of time on my hands, and a mild personality disorder.  Somehow–I still have no idea how–we built a community of eventers that celebrates and unites our sport as I think only ridiculousness, insanity, and videos of Nat VC dancing can.  A year ago almost to this day I started putting the pieces in place to create a website that reaches out beyond the borders of Eventing Nation and spreads our insanity throughout the entire horse world.  I’m not sure the horse world is ready for us, but that invasion starts today.  Let’s pretend for a moment that I don’t want to ruin Leslie’s day by spoiling the surprise, so I just want to thank you our readers and friends in advance for your support and help spreading the word, and ask for your grace as we learn and figure things out.  Stay tuned.  Now, more than ever, go eventing.

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