Armageddon is coming, or EN is changing servers

I am excited to tell you that this is the last ever Eventing Nation post until the next Eventing Nation post.  After months of hard work, EN will be switching servers and blogging platforms later this evening.  Our current platform served our purposes in 2009 as a tiny rambling blog with one post per day, but after several site crashes, a completely overloaded spam filter, and countless frustrations for the EN Team including inexplicably lost news and notes posts at 1am, we are making the leap to WordPress. 

I sincerely believe and hope that the transition will lead to much better performance for us all and we have worked hard to implement a few key changes that have been requested by readers, especially in the latest EN census hosted by Visionaire.  Knowing our luck, the transition could very well crash the site for a few hours tonight.  There are three key aesthetic differences that you will notice about EN:

Featured Posts: We are adding a featured post section to the top of EN which will highlight some of the most popular and/or most ridiculous posts from the previous few days.  We previewed this change in a N&N back in December and we think it will let us feature our top stories and occasionally make Abbie feel better about her posts.

Comments: As I mentioned, our spam filter in our current system has been completely overrun and you may have noticed too many spam comments in the comment section recently.  To fix the issue, we are moving to a primarily Facebook based comment system, much like Horse and Hound, whereby you can comment right on EN using your Facebook username.  Of course, non-Facebook users or those opposed to using Facebook will still be able to comment, but the process will involve a one-time comment approval by the chinchillas and then you will be able to comment as normal every time without approval.  We will be tweaking this system as necessary, so please work with us over the next few days.

Previous Posts: We have added a previous post button to help readers browse posts they may have missed during any recent trips to Siberia.  Anyone who has spent time trying to browse our archives will be cheering right now.   

Please send any comments or questions related to the transition to [email protected] and we will respond quickly.  Please send all hate mail regarding the transition to [email protected]

Here goes nothing and go eventing.
8:52 PM Update:  Well, let’s just say that a few complications came up and rather than trying to force things we have delayed the changeover for a day.  The good news is that we didn’t cause a site crash, but the bad news is that the new and shiny version of Eventing Nation will have to stay in the garage one more day.  Annie will be along later with the N&N and I’ll wish you a very frustrated goodnight.

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