Lower Level Event Rider Profile: Maggie from North Carolina


Name: Maggie

Age: 17

Location: Zebulon, North Carolina

Primary horse’s name: Moves Like Jagger “Mickey”

Age, breed, pertinent info: 10 year old OTTB. Mickey is the second horse I have owned and the Christmas present that every horse person dreams of.

Level currently competing: Green-as-grass/Maiden

Short term goals this spring/summer
: Compete in our first few events together

Year-end goals: Compete at Beginner Novice

Overall goals? Eventually run Novice at an event

What’s the best thing you’ve learned recently? The biggest thing I have recently learned is a rider is how to ride more from my leg rather than my hand, which has been a big adjustment with Mickey.

Favorite eventing moment/story? My favorite eventing memory was the first time I took my last horse cross-country schooling. While my trainer was off helping another student, a friend and I decided to walk our horses through one of the water complexes. Little did I know that my horse really liked to go swimming. She decided to lay down and roll right in the middle of the water complex with me and my brand new jump saddle on her back. It’s been almost two years and there are still some lovely water marks on the knee rolls to remind me of the most embarrassing schooling session I have ever had. 

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