Make Your Nominations: Choose the Achieve Equine #Supergrooms for the Defender Kentucky Three Day Event

There’s a reason we make it a point to highlight the grooms on our form guide for the Defender Kentucky Three Day Event. This event quite literally could not happen without the grooms. In order for these riders to stay focused on the weekend ahead of them, they need that groom putting in the blood, sweat, and tears required to feed, clean stalls, hand walk the horse, clean the tack, tack the horse, ice the legs, and take care of everything required to get that horse to the end of the weekend happy and healthy.

Too often grooms are treated like a Victorian child, “Seen not heard.” Their efforts go underappreciated just as much as their work goes unseen and invalidated. Together with Achieve Equine, we’re hell-bent on using our #Supergroom series to change that and remind the public at large that our grooms are just as necessary to the team as the riders and horses.

Do you know of a groom who drinks enough Red Bull to give someone a heart attack just to stay awake late into the night and then get up early to get the horses taken care of? Or how about a groom who has tried every social media hack to get that tail as terrifyingly white as Disney’s 1937 Snow White?


We’ve pulled together some old favorites and some brand new categories to give you a brand new version of Achieve Equine’s Supergroom contest for a new year at Kentucky. Make your nominations by 4/25. Prizes will be given to grooms at the Defender Kentucky Three-Day Event on Friday, April 26th. Nominees must be grooming for an eventer at Kentucky in order to be included! Winners will receive a sweet grooming backpack, Achieve Equine swag, and gift cards to spend. Fill out the form below or click here to open it up in a new tab.

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