2014 USEA Worth The Trust Scholarships

Are you a young adult amateur or adult amateur Eventer looking for some ways to help fund your education within the sport?  Do you like volunteering at competitions, at a nearby hippotherapy organization or with your local pony club? If you said yes, you should consider applying for this years’ USEA Worth The Trust Scholarship.

The Worth The Trust Educational Scholarships are designed to reward developing riders through funding training such as clinics, working student positions, instruction or even learning from a course designer or veterinarian. The $3,000 Amateur Young Adult Scholarship is available for riders between the ages of 16 and 25, while the $2,000 Adult Amateur Scholarship is available for eventers 26 and up. Applicants must be members of their local eventing club or their area association, in addition to being a member of the USEA. Young adult amateurs should count on completing at least ten hours of volunteer work for a national or local charitable organization, while adult amateurs will only have to complete six hours of work.

Applicants for the scholarships must also write an essay, explaining why the opportunity is important for them personally. The essay must include thoughts on your ultimate goals as an equestrian, as well as a detailed account of how the funds would be put to work in your education. Applicants should also plan on proving a financial need.

The deadline for applications for the 2014 USEA Worth the Trust Educational Scholarships for Young Adults and Adult Amateurs is October 1, 2013. You can find the links to the applications below, so get to work, EN!

Young Adults Application

Adults Application

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