Sunday Links

Photo courtesy of Emily Hamel.

When in doubt, leave it out? That’s Corvette’s motto anyhow. He saw a long one with Emily Hamel on the Tryon CCI4*-L cross country track today and made it work. She said, “This was not an intentional take off spot, btw. I was going for the add but Barry wasn’t having any part of that… glad he has plenty of scope so we were A-OK!” She’s certainly sitting on a powerhouse.

National Holiday: National Philanthropy Day

U.S. Weekend Action:

MARS Tryon International Three-Day Event: [Website] [Entry Status] [Schedule] [Order of Go][Volunteer] [Show Photographer][Ride Times] [Live Scores] [Live Stream] [EN’s Coverage]

Morven Park H.T.: [Website] [Ride Times] [Show Photographer] [Volunteer]

Twin Rivers November H.T.: [Website] [Entries/Ride Times] [Volunteer] [Show Photographer]

Sunday Links: 

Scientists apply machine learning to improve our understanding of horse gaits

A Record of Horseback Riding, Written in Bone and Teeth

Choose the Best Blanket

Now on Course: A Dream Comes True at the Waredaca Three-Day

Now You See It… Now You Don’t

New world-class show centre in dispute with national federation

Sunday Video: