At Eventing Nation we love hearing about events that raise money for a good cause, especially when it is for our favorite four legged friends! This year on the Chronicle of the Horse Off Course Forum you can take part in the 3rd annual ASK THE HORSE PSYCHIC. In 2009, COTHERs raised $1,500 for CANTER Ohio. This year they are hoping to raise $5,000 for several more organizations in addition to CANTER Ohio.
You can follow the steps on the forum to donate or go directly to Swambi Rabbit Readings. Your donations will benefit:
- True Innocents Equine Rescue
- Sunkissed Acres Rescue and Retirement
- Bluebonnet Equine Humane Society
So, jump on in! It is easy and fun. Who knows, you might even figure out why your horse doesn’t like the flowers under the jumps or why he hates the grain you feed him!
Go eventing.