AECs in Texas afternoon notes

The USEA has just announced that the AECs are heading to Texas in 2013
.  Texas Rose Horse Park in Tyler, Tx (that’s on the eastern side) is hosting the event, a pretty centralized location for most of the country.  Dust off your Stetson, turn up the George Strait and watch out for cactus!  [USEA press release]

Don’t forget, Twin Rivers HT is going on this weekend out in California.  Teresa Harcourt and Bonzo Twist of Fate are first in the Intermediate with 26.8  The advanced dressage just started, led so far by Jolie Wentworth and Killian O’Connor with a 27.5.  [Scores]

Here’s a brief Friday recap of EN, in case you missed anything this week:

  • Mary Getsey Bernier attended the Retired Racehorse Retraining Project trainers challenge and provided us with a detailed report, including photos and videos.  Eric Dierks was the official winner…but all the horses were truly the winners!

  • ESJ gave us his predictions on Team USA heading into the London Olympics.  Some choices were no brainers: Boyd and Neville, Sinead and Tate.  Other picks, like Tiana Coudray, caused a bit of a stir in the comments section.

  • Samantha introduced an exciting Rolex opportunity: walk the cross-country course with Buck, Boyd, Doug Payne, or Sharon White, donations to benefit the JustWorld foundation.

Good luck to anyone competing this weekend, and congratulations Texas on your acquisition of the AEC’s!  Have a happy weekend, and Go Eventing.

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