FEI Olympic Athletes Rankings, Qualified Nations Announced


The FEI has announced the list of countries qualified to compete in the Olympics in dressage, show jumping, and eventing.  Most of what follows should come as no surprise, thanks to the Olympic ranking updates and commentary from the wonderful Austin Ligon and his Montelibretti CCI*** reporting.

Fourteen nations will compete with teams in eventing: ARG, AUS, BEL, BRA, CAN, FRA, GBR, GER, IRL, JPN, NED, NZL, SWE, USA.  Australia qualified 5 riders individually, giving them a spot in team competition.  Ireland and the Netherlands also managed 3 individuals, earning each of them a team as well.

Additionally, the following countries will be represented by individuals: AUT, BLR, ECU, ITA, JAM, RUS, RSA, THA.

For the Olympic individuals ranking list, click here: [PDF]  Note: riders of nations already qualified are not included in the list.

Counting all three disciplines, there will be 200 riders from 41 nations participating in the 2012 London Olympic Games.  147 days remaining!

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