Chattahoochee Hills once again offered a bareback puissance challenge yesterday evening during their August horse trials. This class is becoming a popular opportunity for riders to test their bravery and stickability in front of all their closest friends.
Sometimes called the “strip” puissance, riders have to remove their shirt after a refusal or rail if they want to continue. The jumping starts at 3’3″ and quickly approaches 5 feet. Event organizer and cross country course designer Hugh Lochore commentates, engaging the crowd and heckling encouraging the riders.
Clearing 4’10” in their first attempt at a bareback puissance, Aubrey Graham and Sarah Edwards’ 13-year-old Appendix gelding CU Zip to Dixie were the ultimate winners. While not all horses entered in the puissance are also competing in the horse trials, Aubrey and “Phoenix” are riding in the Senior Training Rider division. We expect them to jump clear in the show jumping today!
“He’s just such a cool horse who has loads of potential, is totally honest to every fence, and is just really fun to ride,” Aubrey said of 17.3-hand Phoenix. “This was the first time either of us have done any similar competition – actually the first time I hopped on him bareback was on Tuesday. Overall though, that was a ton of fun and I’m so proud of how game he was for each fence.”
Phoenix and Aubrey WON the bareback puissance!!! 4’10 final fence.
Posted by Sarah Edwards on Saturday, August 29, 2015
Considering Elisa Wallace removed spurs, boots and socks before retiring from the Chatt Hills bareback puissance in May, it’s no wonder she layered up before this one since the rules clearly stated you had to remove your shirt to continue. Elisa and her mustang mare Hwin cleared 4’6″ before retiring, but they still earned third place!
Layered up and ready for strip puissance at Chattahoochee Hills.
Posted by Wallace Eventing on Saturday, August 29, 2015
As promised, here is the video of Elisa and Hwin showing what they’ve got!
Sophie David and Monty cleared 4’8″ for second place. Area III Young Rider Mikensey Johansen rode Grey Prince, clearing 4’3″ before retiring.
Mickensey in the bareback puissance
Posted by Christie Hanson on Saturday, August 29, 2015
Well done everyone! Next time we think Hugh Lochore should have a go!