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Kailey DeMeyer


About Kailey DeMeyer

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The Horse Trials Ultimate Packing List

Whether scrawled on the back of a receipt or itemized in an Excel spreadsheet, lists can go a long way toward helping keep our lives in working order. Kailey DeMeyer shares her packing list for events, and the story of how she learned to pack properly. For even more inspiration, check out the USEA’s event checklist here

And, of course, no obsessive-compulsively organized trainer’s packing list is complete without a color-coded roster of ride and warm-up times for her students. Photo courtesy of Kailey DeMeyer.

Hi! My name is Kailey DeMeyer. I am a professional event rider and trainer from Wisconsin. I have been riding for 20 years, and have learned so many valuable things in my years in the horse world. I grew up in United States Pony Club, which helped me (and maybe fueled) desire to be over prepared for any given event. My stressing, over packing, and running through all of the possible “what it” scenarios often make for a funny sight while preparing for a clinic or horse trial — especially when there are also hotel stays and long distance traveling.

My students often notice my frantic packing (and my 150 lb. rolling tack trunk that is nearly impossible to actually pack into the organized tack room of the trailer). While it does make us all laugh a bit, I have taken my packing very seriously for a reason.

A clean, organized tack room just makes you feel like you’re in control of your life, amiright? Photo courtesy of Kailey DeMeyer.

I have not always been organized when it comes to knowing exactly what I should be bringing along with myself and my horse. I will never forget the time that I drove two hours to cross country school, and forgot a girth — easy fix, right? Just borrow someone else’s? This logic is great, except for when your horse is 17.2 hands and wears a size 56 girth. Good luck squeezing into any horse size tack at all … hence my lengthy “extra equipment” section on my packing list. I also once forgot my helmet on the way to a dressage show, or when my students forgot grain for their horse, or rain gear, etc.! By the way, I totally get the desire to show dressage — packing is SOOOOOO much easier! I don’t even need a list!

Now that I have justified my organizational logic, I share with you the ultimate horse trials packing list, completely customizable to you and your horse! I usually end up handwriting in items that are specific for each event, or even sometimes my own clothing or bathroom needs too. I like to print a page out and check off these items prior to leaving for each horse show. If anyone has things to add, send me a message and I will improve this list even further!  Happy packing and happy horse showing!!

Yours truly,

The organized equestrian

Go Eventing.

Photo by Shannon Brinkman.