Caroline Martin Wins the Bareback Puissance

Caroline Martin cleared jumped 5″8′ on Quantum Solace to win the Plantation Field Bareback Puissance

She rode just as beautifully without a saddle as she does with one, and having won the competition and the $1,000 generously donated by Dr. Kevin Keane, she then attempted to beat Jennie’s 6″2 record from last year but it was not to be

It was a great class which packed crowds enjoyed.  Dom Schramm gave it his best shot but knocked the wall down at 5’8 and slipped off on landing.

Hmmm…what does Ed Holloway have to somehow get all the pretty girls step up to mic with him?!  Yesterday Sinead, today….Jennie did a fantastic job getting the crowds going for the puissance, and it was a great lunch time diversion! Full marks to everyone involved, especially of course the riders for galloping down to that massive wall bareback, the celebrity jump crew which included Joanie Morris, Buck Davidson, and others, and the usual suspects.  Guess what, I’m rushing off to the CIC***, and after that I’m rushing to catch a plane, I’m hoping to report back before then, but if not it might be late tonight. Thanks as always, and go bareback high jumping and Eventing!

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