unnamed-4 | Chris Bartle Appointed Performance Coach of British Eventing Team

Drea Comstock: “For nine years, William was been the best barn dog that there ever was, as long as you like your barn dogs naughty. Racing around on three legs and bossing everyone equally, everyone at the barn knew him. When we were at home, he was just waiting to be able to get back. He made all of us smile, every day, whether he was chasing a coyote through the snow in his blue dog blanket like a flying ottoman, trying to herd the horses unnecessarily and only occasionally successfully, or highly inappropriately diving through your legs, nose right at crotch height, so you have to pet him.

Unfortunately, William passed away suddenly last month. I was so thankful to have this dog with me for nine years. I couldn’t have started my own business and powered through the stress and exhaustion without my best friend.”