There’s nothing that says “horse person” quite as much as the sensation of a buzzing clipper in your hand for two hours straight, wearing a rain coat and rain pants inside the barn, and sneezing horse hair out of your nose for days.Yep, it must be clipping season.I want to see your amazing, entertaining, beautiful and clever clipping creations. Send me a picture that shows off your artistry, and a little blurb explaining what its all about. Include the name of your horse, your name, and where you are from. Email them to me at [email protected]!

Hayley Sullivan, Temecula CA: “This is a picture of a horse that I ride named Richochet. The clip job on her is the Deathly Hallows sign, from Harry Potter!”
Lisa Landis: “This is of my 19 year old TB, aptly named Don’t Give Up the Ship (AKA “Sailor”). His name pretty much says it all as to why he’s got an anchor, but after owning him for 10 years, I finally got my act together and clipped it in for the first time.”
Shai Steiner: “My horse Tank — aka Flamin Hot Cheeto — has successfully competed at recognized Novice and Training combined tests. My future eventing student rides him 2 times a week and yesterday it was “learn how to clip” day. We decided that although Tank is an Appaloosa cross, you can’t tell because he has no spots. So we gave him some while maintaining his “trace clip”. We used a big bucket for the spot on his belly, and a mayo lid for the small positive spots, and a bowl to help make the curves all over!!”