There’s nothing that says “horse person” quite as much as the sensation of a buzzing clipper in your hand for two hours straight, wearing a rain coat and rain pants inside the barn, and sneezing horse hair out of your nose for days. Yep, it must be clipping season. I want to see your amazing, entertaining, beautiful and clever clipping creations. Send me a picture that shows off your artistry and a little blurb explaining what it’s all about. Include the name of your horse, your name and where you are from. Email [email protected]!
Tara, Cape Cod, Mass: “My name is Tara, and this is my horse Bailey. She is 28 years old; I am 31 years old. I’ve had her for 20 years, and every year Bailey gets clipped for the winter. About 5 years ago I gave her a full body clip and left a heart on her bum (one on each side). Then one heart turned into two and then three. The hearts became Bailey’s signature clip design every year. She became my real life “My Little Pony.” This year I wanted to try something a little different — swirls. Here are photos of trying something new and fun. Baileys signature hearts still made it on her … they forever will too!”
Golly Tabatabaie, Ocala Fla.: I am a working student for Leslie Law and Lesley Grant-Law’s Law Eventing. I wanted to share a Union Jack I clipped into one of their horses “Colby,” also known as Tout de Suite! Colby was featured in an EN’s Got Talent in August.”
Annika Markovich, Minneapolis, Minn: “This is my horse named Rory. His clipping is a flying rhino. There is a story behind his clipping. Rory is a Percheron/Thoroughbred cross. He is more Percheron than Thoroughbred, and my trainer nicknamed him “the flying rhino” after our first eventing show together. Rory and I will be moving up to Training level next season!”
Lisie Veloso, Baltimore, Md.: “Wanted to share some of my clipping designs with you! This one is a teddy bear for my horse Tommy Boy.”
Alexa Johnson, Davis Calif.: “This is Hank, and this year he got a trident because Poseidon is the God of Horses and Hank is a god in my opinion. We are on the UC Davis Three-Day Eventing Team!”