Colleen Rutledge is slowly but surely recovering from hip surgery following a fall at Morven Park this fall. Recently she updated her blog with a new version of “The Twelve Days of Christmas” that was thought up by her working students. According to Colleen, her working students have “gone a little nutty,” but we think the result is quite creative!
From Colleen’s blog:
“…on the Twelfth day of Christmas, my trainer gave to me…
12 frozen water buckets11 manes to pull
10 saddles to clean
9 polos to wrap (why only nine? Crap- the Jack Russells have the rest!)
8 horses to clip
7 stalls to muck
6 bales of hay
5 loose horses
4 Jack Russells
3 missing shoes
2 working students and
1 slightly broken but almost mended trainer”
To keep up with Colleen’s latest news, follow her on Facebook as well as her blog. We know she will be up and riding before too long, but in the meantime it looks like she’s got some great company to keep her entertained. Happy Holidays.