(1) Everyone I have talked to about this course says virtually the same thing about it, and it’s the same thing that I said on Wednesday. This course is big, but it isn’t very technical.
Fence #2: Riders decide which of two stone tables to jump. This jump caused a couple of problems last year, and one top coach said on the course walk to be seriously careful and take their time on the approach to this fence.
The Coffin (10 and 11AB): The brush out isn’t at as much of an angle this year, but it’s the Rolex coffin so it needs to be respected.
The Head of the Lake (15 & 16): A drop, three and a half strides to a corner, another drop to a very angled brush.
The Squirrels (18): They might look plump and content, but Lucinda thinks this could be the toughest line on course due to the striding, one could definitely see it. Lucinda’s thoughts courtesy of Samantha Clark’s Twitter.
The Hollow (20 and 21): The bounce banks down are invisible until the horse is jumping the rail at 20. I wish that 20 was a foam rail on top. 22 is a skinny chevron but shouldn’t be too much trouble for the pairs that have gotten this far.
Check out Jimmy’s course walk
Hi Hollybell, Am watching you at Rolex. Good luck tomorrow in X-country. I remember you saying where he’s not good necessarily at circles, he makes it up in running and jumping. Be careful and have fun. Remember Chuck will be at the finish line. Good luck!! LOL(love)