EN’s Rising Stars is a new weekly series about up and coming riders in the sport of 3-Day Eventing who are exceptional in their performances and personalities. Spotlighting riders under the age of 15, the series is meant to call attention to the next generation of talent before they even become Young Riders. Have a child, sibling or student who you think deserves some notice and praise? Please email me at [email protected] with information and pictures!
Name: Emily Przyborowski
Age: 14
Hometown: Marysville Maryland, about 45 minutes away from MDHT
Horse: Dobbin, a 15 hand, 8 year old chestnut Connemara Draft cross.
Level of Competition: Novice
How did you get started in Eventing? “My mom is a riding instructor, she teaches young Eventers, so when I was a little kid she would take me cross country schooling, and go to the unrecognized events. When I got Dobbin, I got more into it and recently got a job with Kate Chadderton as her working student. I live at her house on the weekends, and during all of the holidays. Kate has been amazing, it’s so much fun to go to the big events with her, like Millbrook or Culpeper show jumpers. My little sister and I do Pony Club with the Howard County Pony Club, Capitol Region. I’m going for my C2 rating soon, the riding portion involves show jumping up to three feet, requires constant connection in dressage, and a Novice level cross country. It’s all about the rider position and the horse’s rideability. You have to explain your training system too, which is really intense. Pony Club helps me explore my passion for Eventing more.”
Recent Accomplishments? “I went to Maryland HT in October with Dobbin, and we came in 8th place, which is pretty good for him. He doesn’t have consistent dressage yet, mostly because I’m the only one who trains him. But then we jumped double clear and moved up! I also remembered my course, which doesn’t always happen. I get so excited that I forget where I’m going, or I jump the Training level jump next to mine on cross country. We went to Millbrook this summer, and it was my first event over three days, and I was in an open division for the first time, against all the professionals! In my division of BN, I scored pretty well in the dressage, and got a bit lost in show jumping but made up for it on cross country. I really enjoyed being in a division with riders like Colleen [Rutledge] and Doug [Payne], and I came out tenth in the entire division, so that was pretty cool.”
Favorite thing about Eventing? “I love that it’s anybody’s game. You don’t have to have a fancy horse, a certain breed or be a certain age or come from a certain background. Obviously I like cross country best. Dressage is always been hard for Dobbin because before I got him, he got messed up because somebody put really tight vienna reins on him, and he had a horrible four beat canter. Kate’s been really good at helping both of us understand the dressage a little more, and now I don’t dislike it as much.”
Plans for the Future? “I’m hoping to actually sell Dobbin this year, and use that money to buy a horse that can take me to a higher level. I feel like it doesn’t’ really matter if the horse has already done that level, as long as we get along and I feel like it has the talent. I’d like to establish a business, and become a professional. I want to be able to do what I love every day.”