Equine Dental Illustration from EN reader Lynsey Steinberg

In case you needed any further proof that we have the smartest and coolest readers in the world, here is a video created by EN reader Lynsey Steinberg for her Master’s Thesis.  An excellent reminder to have your horses’ teeth checked regularly!


My Master’s Thesis at the Georgia Health Sciences University
by Lynsey Steinberg

Importance of Equine Dentistry Under Sedation Animation

I have been dedicated to horses since I was seven years old and found myself in the medical world these past two years in training to become a medical illustrator at the Georgia Health Sciences University, only one of four programs in the continent to offer a Masters in Medical Illustration. I managed to keep my horse with me in Georgia with Jodi Hemry keeping him in training while I was sitting behind two monitors working furiously on animations and digital illustrations. I am now proud to display my master’s thesis (as contracted for Kneenan McAllister Equine clinic in NJ) for everyone to see how important it is for you to have your horse seen by your veterinarian or equine dentist annually. The lack of 3D visualization of deep equine dental anatomy has contributed to an under-appreciation of the importance of a dental exam among the average horse owner and by offering an animation to their clients they will be able to detect dental issues before they become much larger problems.


© 2012 Lynsey Steinberg, Fraulein Medical Illustration.

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