Where there are #EventerProblems there are #EventerSolutions, as we horsefolks tend to be a pretty crafty, resourceful and frugal (read: broke) bunch. In this spinoff series we spotlight some of your most inventive problem-solving masterpieces. Be sure to tag your photos with the hashtag #EventerSolutions on social for inclusion in future editions!
A photo posted by Samantha Bogan (@ssammalla) on
When your boyfriend hurts his wrist…and all you have is horse supplies. #eventerproblems
A photo posted by allysittybittybarn (@allysittybittybarn) on
A photo posted by Becca Speer (@beccarides) on
A photo posted by Erica (@phantomcateventing) on
A photo posted by Wendy Angel (@ridingwithscissors) on
#eventersolutions The band on my stirrup broke& I didn’t have an extra so I made one with grass.It works.Don’t judge pic.twitter.com/Y7RU8tty9u
— Bobbie Jones (@BobbieJones3day) September 9, 2016
#eventersolutions #richlandparkht #goawayrain pic.twitter.com/huN8b3XwW0
— Anne Czerwonka (@anneczer1) August 27, 2016
Back hurt while driving. Solution? Use @OgilvyEq as back support
10/10 would recommend #EventerSolutions pic.twitter.com/aYcVSnsIlC— Ky Eventer Probs (@KyEventer) July 29, 2016
Shamelessly using my ThinLine on me. And it’s working. Aw yes. #EventerSolutions
— Ilana (@prayifitsapony) July 25, 2016
Torn half chaps? No problem. @eventingnation #eventerproblems #fishinglinewin #dateafisherman #eventersolutions pic.twitter.com/IFMEIUkL1l
— Leandi Krüger (@zagirl42) July 19, 2016
Since the 90’s are back fashionwise, can we bring back jodphers as pants? That would make dressing for work much easier. #eventersolutions
— Jennifer Bement (@rdheadstepchild) July 19, 2016
Over the past 2 days, I have felt almost every muscle in my body working. Upper body, legs, core/abs…w/o the gym. #eventersolutions
— KJ (@eventer007) July 16, 2016
Sadly, for some things there simply is not solution:
Got a brilliant and/or ridiculous #EventerSolution? Tag it on social!
Go Eventing.