The FAKE tabloid headline from Tuesday is C, or #3: Performance Enhancing Beer. While I am sure many members of Eventing Nation would argue that beer is performance enhancing, especially with respect to making a fool out of yourself, this was not a current news headline. I heard that German scientists were planning to conduct such a study, but decided to drink all the beer themselves instead.
A) Partying at the Parade: Read more
B) DBUI-Driving Buggies Under the Influence: Full story
Four out of six commenters guessed right, and win the honor of having your name published: Pizz, subk, jo, and Anonymous. Thank you to everyone for participating, and I promise that we are working on getting some legit prizes lined up for the new year. Incidentally, Anonymous voted twice, differently each time, but we will forgive him/her because they are one of our most regular commenters. If you can’t think of a creative name, just throw out your area code or something.
Moving on to our Facebook contest, we had 8 friend requests after accepting our 99th Facebook friend Tuesday night. Being a softy, I will give all 8 some publicity, but in the future we will just pick the request that hits the number exactly. Welcome to Eventing Nation Keely Frank, April McClain, Courtney Young, Leslie Threlkeld, Elizabeth Bierman, Fiona Graham, Heidi Lilienthal, and Amy Fritz.
And, congratulations to Denmark for being the 51st country to visit Eventing Nation. Go eventing.